HitRecord.org Inc.

Summary of Changes to Online Documents

August 6, 2021

Hi everyone! We have recently updated our online documents and - whenever we do this - we always want all of you to know what updates have been made, and why.

So, as you may know, we have been working to:

  1. Launch our new online learning platform called Class Projects (please see Joe’s check-in video for an overview of Class Projects), and
  2. Make our business and compensation practices more simple, efficient, and transparent.

As part of that effort, we have:

  1. Added the new HitRecord Class Projects Guidelines as an addendum to the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service (the “Terms”), and
  2. Updated the following four documents:

We have provided a recap below of the most noteworthy updates or clarifications that we made to these documents (collectively, the “Documents”). However, this explanation is intended only as a summary and not a replacement for the Documents.

These updates take effect August 6, 2021. By continuing to use the HitRecord services on or after that date, you are consenting to these changes. If you would like to opt out and not accept the updates, you should stop using HitRecord, close your account, and notify us via your account Settings or [email protected], and we will delete your data previously collected upon request. In order to continue using HitRecord, you will be required to agree to all of terms in the revised Documents, so make sure you’ve read, understood, and are comfortable accepting each of those Documents before you continue use of HitRecord. Some key changes include:

Global Changes to All Documents

Monetization Policy